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Board committees

Audit committee

The Company has established an audit committee consisting of four members: Cecilia Edström (chairman), Anders Ekblom, Thomas Eldered and Jenni Nordborg. Without affecting the responsibilities and duties of the board of directors, the audit committee is tasked with, among other things, monitoring the Company’s financial reporting and the efficiency of the Company’s internal controls and risk management, keeping itself informed about the audit of the annual report statements and the consolidated financial statements, reviewing and monitoring the impartiality and independence of the auditors and paying special attention to whether the auditors are providing other services besides audit services to the Company, and assisting in connection with the annual general meetings decision on the election of auditors.

Remuneration committee

The Company has established a remuneration committee consisting of three members: Anders Ekblom (chairman), Cecilia Edström and Jenni Nordborg. The remuneration committee is tasked with preparing proposals on remuneration principles, remunerations and other employment terms for the Company’s senior management. The remuneration committee is also tasked with monitoring and evaluating programmes for variable remuneration for the senior management, the application of the guidelines for remuneration to the senior management adopted by the annual general meeting as well as the current remuneration structures and remuneration levels in the Company.